vrijdag 16 november 2007

Free Hugs Campaign.

Dear Friends,

I'd like to tell you about this amazing worldwide Free Hugs Campaigns. Juan started the Free Hugs Campaign, which continues to touch many millions of people around the world. He regularly spends his Thursday at Pitt Street Mall, in Sydney giving hugs to all those who need them.

It is people like him that remind us that the world is a good place, that it isn't as bad as is expressed in the media. And the fact that people of all countries have joined in, shows that he is not alone in deeply caring about people.

I'd like to share his story behind how the Free Hugs Campaign came about.

"I'd been living in London when my world turned upside down and I'd had to come home. By the time my plane landed back in Sydney, all I had left was a carry on bag full of clothes and a world of troubles. No one to welcome me back, no place to call home. I was a tourist in my hometown.
Standing there in the arrivals terminal, watching other passengers meeting their waiting friends and family, with open arms and smiling faces, hugging and laughing together, I wanted someone out there to be waiting for me. To be happy to see me. To smile at me. To hug me.

So I got some cardboard and a marker and made a sign. I found the busiest pedestrian intersection in the city and held that sign aloft, with the words "Free Hugs" on both sides.
And for 15 minutes, people just stared right through me. The first person who stopped, tapped me on the shoulder and told me how her dog had just died that morning. How that morning had been the one year anniversary of her only daughter dying in a car accident. How what she needed now, when she felt most alone in the world, was a hug. I got down on one knee, we put our arms around each other and when we parted, she was smiling.
Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven't compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time."

Hugs are magical It really makes life so much brighter when we share ourselves and create that contact with people. Sometimes, a hug is all we need.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER to brighten up their lives. After all, If you can reach just one person

With Hugs,

You can find more about Juan Mann at

Below is the very touching Free Hugs Video, from the city Amsterdam.

Free Hugs Amsterdam

The world is changing for the better!

vrijdag 9 november 2007

The Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich.

The Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich -
By Jolande van Gorssel.

What are you thinking about right now? The Law of Attraction states that "whatever we think about, we bring about". This law may initially seem like new age fluff but believe it or not, there are scientific merits to this proposition. The top quantum physicists of our time have discovered that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the "observer".

When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable unit of matter), these scientists discovered that such particles behave in accordance with the person conducting the experiment. It the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in a certain way, they do. And yet, if the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in another way, they do. It is the "observer" that dictates the outcome of the experiment!

What does all this mean for us normal people? Well actually, these scientific experiments has far reaching implications for us as our world is made up of these same quantum particles! In this case, we are the "observer" the director and hence the creator of our reality, our world and our experience.

So, be careful of what you think about! for example, have you thoughts ever begun with the following phrases:

I don’t understand…

I don't want...

I’m frustrated that…

I hate my…

I can’t figure out …

I’m stressed about…

I’m worried that…

I should be able to… but I can’t…

Why am I having so much trouble?

The Law of Attraction indifferent to the words preceding your thought. Whatever you think about you will attract into your life. When you think "I don't understand why bad things always happen to me?", you are "attracting" bad things into your life. When you think "I want to get out of debt", you are attracting more debt into your life. When you think "I'm worried I will get sick", you are attracting sickness into your life! The Law of Attraction brings about what you focus on even if it is not what you want. Get it?

If you understand this principle, here are some examples of how to make the law of attraction work to support you rather than to act against you. Try observing your thoughts and changing your thinking in the following way:

"I want to get out of debt" to "I want to earn amazing riches"

"I hate my boss" to "I look forward to owning my own business"

"I don't understand why he is so lazy" to "I love it when he helps out around the house"

"I'm stressed about this project" to "I always create amazing results in my projects"

"I'm worried about getting sick" to "I experience vibrant health daily"

Now that we have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, it is no surprise why so many people struggle with regards to money. It is been said that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer". This is actually the Law of Attraction in action. Because the wealthy have money, they often think about how to best use their money and hence they attract more money. The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack of money and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their lives. Currently, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by just 1% of the population!

To address this issue, the main teachers behind the movie is launching a program is called "The Science of Getting Rich" and it is based on employing the law of attraction to create wealth. This amazing program is based on the principles and philosophies outlined in a book of the same title written in 1910 by Wallace D Wattles. This is the same book that inspired the movie.
What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

Click here to learn more about the Science of Getting Rich Seminar and how you can profit from the distribution of the program.


woensdag 7 november 2007

Wet van Aantrekking 'testen' het 17 Seconden spel.

Een manier om de Wet van Aantrekking te ‘testen’ is het 17 seconden spel.

1.Kies 3 willekeurige dingen, die niet belangrijk voor je zijn ( om onbewuste blokkades voor angst te elimineren)

Bijvoorbeeld; Uil, rood glas, blauwe steen.

2.Ontspan en ga in de Alfa staat. Denk 17 seconden aan elk ding zoveel mogelijk in detail. Kijk op een klok met een secondewijzer, zodat je 17 seconden kunt focussen per gekozen ding.

3.Voel dat je het gekozen ding kunt zien, aanraken of ontvangen,doe dit met elk van de 3 gekozen dingen. Voel de verwondering en de Vreugde die je zult ervaren als je deze dingen hebt gemanifesteerd.

4.Geloof dat je deze dingen zult zien, krijgen of tegen zult komen in de komende dagen. Weet dat dit zal gebeuren en laat het dan los.

5.Wees niet geobsedeerd over het wel of niet zien van deze dingen, maar wees wél alert, zodat je ze zult opmerken wanneer zij verschijnen.

6.Wanneer zij verschijnen, en dat zullen ze zeker, voel dan dankbaarheid tot in het diepst van je totale wezen. Dit zal helpen je ‘Brain’ te trainen om meer manifestaties toe te staan

Loslaten gaat gemakkelijker als je heel duidelijk hebt wat je graag wilt, dan doe je het 17 seconden spel om in het vertrouwen te komen. Je zult ervaren als je de 6 punten in praktijk brengt, je al snel de 3 dingen zult manifesteren, zien, of krijgen. De 3 dingen in deze oefening had ik uitgekozen. Diezelfde avond al, zag ik de uil op ons dak zitten! De volgende dag bezocht ik een expositie waar een tafel vol rood glas stond. Wow, wat een goed gevoel, nu de blauwe steen nog, na 5 dagen nog geen blauwe steen gezien te hebben begon ik te twijfelen en ik klaagde hierover tegen Marius. Hij keek mij verbaasd aan en vroeg; “ heb je die nog niet gezien? Hij is recht voor je neus!” En nog zag ik hem niet, wat bleek nu, de dame recht voor mij droeg een enorme blauwe steen en deze was prachtig geslepen, ik had een ruwe steen gevisualiseerd. Een mooie les, er hangt al jaren een tekst op ons toilet;” Wens en laat los, vertrouw op het Universum om de details in te vullen”